Revitalizing the Workspace: Crafting an Inviting Environment to Welcome Employees Back to the Office

Creating an inviting space in the office is crucial for encouraging employees to return and enjoy their work environment. After a period of remote work or prolonged absence from the office, it’s essential to make the workspace comfortable, engaging, and attractive. Here are some tips to help you create an inviting space that will entice employees to return to the office:

  1. Start with a clean and organized environment: A clutter-free space contributes to a sense of calm and promotes productivity. Ensure the office is clean, well-maintained, and free of unnecessary items. Implement effective storage solutions to keep supplies and personal belongings organized.
  2. Enhance the aesthetics: Consider the visual appeal of the workspace. Add a fresh coat of paint, update worn-out furniture, and invest in artwork or wall decor to create a more visually appealing environment. Choose colors and designs that promote a positive and energizing atmosphere.
  3. Introduce comfortable furniture: Invest in ergonomic chairs, adjustable desks, and supportive accessories. Comfortable furniture not only enhances productivity but also contributes to the overall well-being and satisfaction of employees. Create cozy lounge areas or breakout spaces where employees can relax and collaborate in a more informal setting.
  4. Maximize natural light: Natural light has a significant impact on mood and productivity. Arrange workstations to optimize access to natural light sources. Remove any barriers that block light from windows and consider installing sheer curtains or blinds to control brightness. If possible, introduce skylights or glass partitions to increase natural light flow.
  5. Incorporate greenery: Plants and green elements have been shown to improve air quality and create a sense of calm and well-being. Introduce indoor plants throughout the office, or consider a living green wall or a small vertical garden. Encourage employees to take care of the plants, which can help foster a sense of ownership and responsibility.
  6. Create inviting communal areas: Designate spaces where employees can gather and socialize, such as a well-equipped kitchen or a comfortable breakroom. Include amenities like a coffee machine, healthy snacks, and a variety of seating options. These communal areas foster informal interactions, team bonding, and a sense of belonging.
  7. Personalize workstations: Encourage employees to personalize their workstations with items that reflect their personality and make them feel at home. This could include family photos, plants, or small decorative items. Allowing employees to express themselves within their workspace creates a sense of ownership and comfort.
  8. Emphasize collaborative spaces: Create areas specifically designed for collaboration and teamwork. These spaces can include whiteboards, projectors, or digital screens to facilitate brainstorming and idea sharing. Incorporate flexible furniture arrangements that can be easily adjusted to accommodate different team sizes and activities.
  9. Seek employee input: Involve employees in the process of creating an inviting space. Solicit their opinions, ideas, and suggestions through surveys or team meetings. This collaborative approach ensures that their needs and preferences are considered, increasing their sense of ownership and satisfaction with the office environment.

Remember that creating an inviting space is an ongoing process. Continuously evaluate and update the office environment based on feedback and evolving needs. By prioritizing employee well-being, comfort, and engagement, you can create an inviting workspace that encourages employees to return and thrive in the office.

The best office furniture for small spaces

When it comes to choosing office furniture for small spaces, it’s important to prioritize functionality, space efficiency, and versatility. Here are some recommendations for the best office furniture for small spaces:

  1. Compact Desk: Look for a compact desk that provides ample workspace without occupying too much floor area. Consider options like wall-mounted desks, corner desks, or desks with built-in storage to maximize space utilization.
  1. Adjustable Desk: An adjustable or standing desk is a great choice for small spaces. It allows you to switch between sitting and standing positions, promoting ergonomics and providing flexibility in a limited area.
  2. Folding or Wall-Mounted Shelves: Utilize vertical space by installing folding or wall-mounted shelves. These can be used to store books, files, office supplies, or decorative items. When not in use, they can be folded or closed to save space.
  3. Compact Office Chair: Opt for a compact office chair that offers comfort and support without overwhelming the space. Look for chairs with a smaller footprint or those that can be easily tucked under the desk when not in use.
  1. Storage Solutions: Invest in multifunctional storage solutions like filing cabinets, drawers, or storage ottomans. These items can serve as both seating and storage, helping you maximize space while keeping your office organized.
  1. Cable Management: Cluttered cables can make a small office space feel even more cramped. Use cable management solutions such as cable clips, cable sleeves, or cable boxes to keep cords organized and out of the way.
  1. Modular Furniture: Consider modular furniture options that can be customized and rearranged based on your needs. Modular desks, shelves, and storage units provide flexibility and adaptability to fit your small space perfectly.
  2. Wall-Mounted Whiteboard or Bulletin Board: Instead of a traditional freestanding whiteboard or bulletin board, opt for wall-mounted options. This will save valuable floor space and provide a functional area for notes, reminders, and brainstorming.
  3. Compact Storage Carts: Utilize mobile storage carts that can be easily moved around as needed. These carts can hold office supplies, printers, or other equipment, and can be stored under the desk or in a corner when not in use.
  4. Portable Laptop Stand: A portable laptop stand is a versatile accessory that allows you to elevate your laptop to a comfortable viewing height. It takes up minimal space and can be easily stored when not in use.

Remember, when selecting office furniture for small spaces, always measure your available area and consider the overall design aesthetic to create a visually appealing and productive workspace.

How to Properly Care and Maintain Your Office Furniture


Investing in quality office furniture not only enhances the aesthetics of your workspace but also contributes to the overall productivity and comfort of your employees. However, owning office furniture comes with the responsibility of proper care and maintenance to ensure its longevity and continued appeal. In this blog post, we’ll explore essential tips for keeping your office furniture in pristine condition, from regular cleaning routines to preventive measures that can save you both time and money in the long run.

  1. Regular Cleaning

Regular cleaning is a fundamental aspect of maintaining your office furniture. Dust, dirt, and spills can accumulate over time, leading to a diminished appearance and even structural damage. Here’s how to keep your furniture clean:

  • Dusting: Use a soft microfiber cloth or a duster to remove dust from surfaces. Dusting should be done at least once a week to prevent the buildup of particles that can scratch and dull the furniture’s finish.
  • Spot Cleaning: Address spills and stains immediately. Blot the affected area gently with a clean cloth to absorb the liquid. Avoid rubbing, as this can spread the stain. Use a mild detergent or appropriate cleaning solution to clean the spot, following the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Vacuuming: For fabric-upholstered furniture, regular vacuuming with an upholstery attachment helps remove dirt and debris from the fabric’s fibers.
  1. Proper Placement

Where you place your office furniture can impact its longevity. Consider the following factors:

  • Sunlight Exposure: Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can fade and damage furniture finishes. If possible, position furniture away from windows or use blinds and curtains to filter sunlight.
  • Temperature and Humidity: Extreme temperature fluctuations and high humidity levels can cause wood to expand, contract, and warp. Aim for a consistent indoor climate to prevent these issues.
  • Avoiding Crowded Spaces: Overcrowding can lead to scuffs, scratches, and accidental damage. Ensure there’s sufficient space around each piece of furniture to prevent collisions.
  1. Regular Maintenance

In addition to cleaning, routine maintenance tasks can significantly extend the lifespan of your office furniture:

  • Polishing: Wood furniture benefits from occasional polishing with a furniture polish recommended by the manufacturer. This helps restore luster and provides a protective layer against moisture and minor scratches.
  • Lubrication: For furniture with moving parts like chairs and drawers, periodic lubrication can keep mechanisms working smoothly.
  • Tighten Screws and Bolts: Regularly check and tighten any loose screws, bolts, or fasteners to prevent wobbling or instability.
  1. Prevention Measures

Preventing damage is always easier and more cost-effective than repairing it. Here are a few preventive measures to consider:

  • Use Protective Covers: If your office furniture is not in regular use or needs to be stored temporarily, consider using protective covers. These covers shield furniture from dust, sunlight, and accidental scratches. For instance, cover your office chairs with fabric covers or plastic protectors to prevent dust settling on the upholstery.
  • Implement a “No Food and Drink” Policy: Instituting a policy that restricts consuming food and drinks at workstations can significantly reduce the risk of spills and stains on your office furniture. Provide designated areas like break rooms or kitchenettes for such activities to keep the workspace clean and furniture in top condition.
  • Regular Inspections: Schedule routine inspections of your office furniture to identify any signs of wear and tear, loose parts, or potential issues. Addressing problems early on can prevent further damage and the need for more extensive repairs down the line.
  • Furniture Pads and Bumpers: Use furniture pads or bumpers underneath heavy objects or on the undersides of furniture legs. These accessories help distribute weight evenly and protect both the furniture and the floor from scratches and dents.
  • Invest in Ergonomic Accessories: To protect your office furniture from excessive wear caused by prolonged usage, invest in ergonomic accessories like keyboard trays, monitor stands, and laptop risers. These accessories promote better posture and reduce strain on furniture surfaces.
  • Regular Rotation: If you have moveable furniture items, such as cushions, pillows, or seating pads, consider rotating them regularly. This helps distribute wear evenly and prevents some parts from deteriorating more quickly than others.
  • Employee Education: Educate your employees about the importance of caring for office furniture. By raising awareness about proper use and maintenance, you empower your team to contribute to the longevity of the furniture and foster a sense of ownership and responsibility.
  • Professional Cleaning and Maintenance: For specialized furniture items, such as leather upholstery or intricate woodwork, consider hiring professional cleaners or maintenance services. These experts have the knowledge and tools to address specific care needs effectively.


Caring for your office furniture not only preserves its visual appeal but also contributes to a comfortable and efficient workspace. By incorporating regular cleaning, proper placement, routine maintenance, and preventive measures, you can ensure that your investment in office furniture continues to pay off for years to come. Remember that each piece of furniture might have specific care requirements, so always refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines for the best practices tailored to your furniture.


For an organization, it’s employees are its assets. And as per the popular belief. “Happy employees are productive employees”. Therefore, unmotivated employees can cause a huge loss to the organization. The lack of motivation might result in a depressing workplace that can give rise to toxic work culture later on. Hence a workplace should be keen to identify the signs of unmotivated employees and take corrective measures.

Signs of unmotivated workers

  1. Frequent Absences

While absentees are common in a work setting due to health problems and other emergencies, frequent absentees indicate a deeper problem i.e., demotivation or hatred towards the job.

  1. Constant Conflict

Complaining about work and complains about a manager, a peer or a boss are all signs that an employee is deeply unhappy with their job.

  1. Loss of Quality in Work

Incomplete reports, incorrect data sheets and idleness at work are a sign of a broken spirit.

  1. Employee Burnout

Employee burnout is a type of workplace stress where workers feel general dissatisfaction with their work. The end result is an employee who no longer feels up to task of their daily work leading to overall reduced productivity.

Consequences of Unmotivated Employees

  1. Lower Productivity

Unmotivated employees suffer from lower productivity. Without sufficient motivation to finish tasks, the company risks delivering late orders and submitting subpar work to clients.

  1. Increased Staff Turnover

Workers who do not feel challenged or involved in their work are more likely to resign and look for work elsewhere.

  1. Toxic Workplace

Unmotivated employees have a detrimental impact on the organizational culture. When new employees join the company, they usually adopt the attitudes and behaviors of older employees. If there is apathy and a lack of enthusiasm in the workplace, prospective employees may adopt the same attitude, this could harm the organization’s image.

Tips on How to Overcome Demotivation at Work

Managing a workplace is probably the most challenging part of a business no matter how large or how small an organization is. An organization has to be productive and efficient but also keen on the company’s growth collectively.

  1. Invest in Office Décor

Our surroundings have a role in our subconscious minds and especially when it comes to an office setup, the décor can be a huge factor in keeping employees productive hence investing in the right setup is a long lasting investment that gives returns. Choose a workplace with an open layout, opt  for motivating colors, wall art with motivational quotes and set your office space with ergonomic furniture

  1. Make Your Workplace Diverse

Your work setting could be ideal for some, while to others it is a suffocating place with no motivation to work. Therefore, you must plan to please a wide range of people. Add an element of fun as you add seriousness. Make sure you blend the traditional work setting with modern office layout.

  1. Building Strong Relationships

A workplace where employees feel unheard and unvalued will kill their motivation to work. You must have a proper communication channel to ensure your employees feel heard and valued. This will make. Them confident and more likely to work with positive enthusiasm rather than forced responsibility.

  1. Compensation

When employees don’t feel like their compensation lines up with their work or the amount of time they are being asked to work, things can get complicated quickly. You can influence this with proper renumeration package and bonus structure frameworks in place.

  1. Realize the Challenges

It’s easy for employees to become dishearten when they feel in a rut or don’t have the appropriate to accomplish their job, whether because a project takes longer than expected or because resources are few. Recognize problems and collaborate on solutions as a group. Allowing folks to vent or get things off their chest is enough: you don’t have to cure everything, listening and empathizing can go a long way.

  1. Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations are a great way to keep the positive energy flowing in the workplace. Hold regular weekly sessions to discuss progress and motivate the employees to do well. Rather than plain criticism focus on constructive criticism so your employees are eager to over deliver. Teach them about work etiquette so that they do not lack discipline nor do they feel overwhelmed.


Most workplaces nowadays have an open floor plan. They are deemed as the popular way to maximize space, save on cost, increase collaboration between employees, and it’s also an effective way to counter employees feeling isolated at work.However, this model has its downside. An open-plan workplace tends to have higher levels of noise and distractions, all of which can lower productivity. The solution to this is not reverting to a closed floor plan to create privacy and reduce distractions, but rather, by adding phone booths and meeting pods. They are an affordable option that creates a micro-environment while retaining an open office’s collaborative nature

What is an open office booth, you may ask?
A “booth” sometimes called a “pod”, is acoustic office furniture designed to create quiet spaces for individual work and team meetings. Depending on its use, the booth is typically equipped with a desk, chair, LED lights, electrical outlets, and fan vents for air circulation. The booth isn’t as big or as executive as an official boardroom, but it creates a quiet, multi-use space where employees can go to focus on their work, make a phone call, take meetings or even sit back and unwind when they are away from their desk. In addition, here are six more benefits that might prompt you to consider an office booth in your workspace.

  1. Easy to Install
    Compare to building an entire meeting room which could take months or even years, office booths on the other hand-deliver in terms of implementation. It takes at least 30 days from purchase to set up, which includes manufacturing, customization, and installation. Moreover, because booths aren’t permanent fixtures, you don’t have to worry about negotiating with the landlord to approve renovations.
  2. Reduced cost
    Office booths present a cost-effective alternative to building a room from scratch. This can lower your operating cost by 45% compared to a traditional fit-out, whilst still serving the same function.
  3. Highly Versatile
    Office booths come in a variety of shapes and sizes to suit your operational needs. Whether you want a four-person meeting room, a single-person workspace or even a place to take a quick nap, the possibilities are almost endless. Also, if you want to make changes to your office layout o need to move to a new location, the booths can easily be reconfigured or moved with minimal disruptions to your office
  4. More Privacy
    If you’ve worked in an office, you’ll know that some conversations are difficult to have in front of your colleagues. Another instance would be sensitive client information you need to discuss privately, and instead of using the stairwell or hallway or even worse walking around the office, the booth comes in handy. Booths support noise occlusion, therefore offering employees a safe, secure space for the privacy they desire and without disrupting everyone else in the office as they do so.
  5. Drives employee productivity
    It is no secret that a major drawback to an open office is the constant noise, when working on something that requires your undivided attention, there’s nothing more distracting than your colleagues on the phone or people chatting away nearby. An office booth provides a quiet spot where employees can sit down and get some work done without being disrupted. So, if you’re looking for a way to boost
    individual focus and work performance adding an office pod could really help.
  6. They look cool!
    Adding a modular piece to your office that increases productivity is great and all, but how about the fact that they provide a fun, eye-catching piece that adds to the style of your open-plan office? The booths have a clean modern design but can also be modified to suit the user’s brand colors and materials.

Ready to try out an office booth?
As you can see, an office booth has many benefits and reasons why it is becoming increasingly popular in the modern workspace. If you’d like to know more about implementing an office booth or meeting pod into your office, do get in touch with us!


A safe is a secure cabinet with a simple or complex lock used for storing valuables. Items ranging from essential documents and cash to jewellery should be kept securely in a safe to protect them from burglars. In addition to protecting valuables from theft, safes can also protect your valuables from elements such as fire and water.

In this guide, we show you how to buy the right safe.

  1. Know the size of the safe you require

The valuables you intend to keep in the safe will determine its size. In addition to this, you should also think of how many items you want to store. When buying a safe, it’s important to bear in mind that, over time, the number of valuables you acquire will likely increase. We always recommend purchasing a safe that is slightly larger than what you anticipate you need.

If you intend to secure the safe to the floor, then you will need to consider the surface area required for the base. The installation of a wall and floor safe varies, so you will need to ensure you have the correct amount of space available. We always advise employing a professional (like us) to install your safe, as they will be able to offer you advice and ensure your safe delivers maximum security.

  1.  Know the threats to be secured against

Not all safes are made equal and the type of items you want to store will determine the type of safe that will be best for you. Many safes are designed to not only protect valuables from thieves, but also safeguard against disasters. Homeowners increasingly opt to use a small fireproof safe to store items including photos; passports, birth certificates and other important legal documents. According to reports, fire is the most common cause of asset loss, followed by burglary and then water. The level of protection a safe provides differs greatly. If your main concern is keeping your belongings hidden from burglars, then an underfloor is a safe bet 

  1. Know how much protection you need

Safes provide different levels of protection: standard, medium, high and maximum. Many safes protect your valuables from burglars, but not all will protect against every possible threat.

As we’ve touched on, there are three main things you will typically want to protect against: fire, water damage and theft. Many safes are now made from fireproof materials, meaning that, in the event of a fire, the safe and its contents will remain undamaged. This includes paper documents and cash. However, as firemen move in to hose down your property, your belongings won’t be able to withhold the damage. Of course, cost is a big consideration for many and a balance has to be struck between staying within budget and buying a safe that will cater to your needs. We advise that you buy a safe with just the right degree of protection, depending on the type and value of items you wish to store.

  1. Consider the safe’s accessibility

The type of lock on the safe you buy will determine both its accessibility and the level of security provided. A simple lock and key mechanism will provide easy access but are more vulnerable.

Locks can be picked by thieves or your keys may be stolen. A biometric lock system, on the other hand, is by far the fastest and safest security method. These locks scan your fingerprint to grant access. While this further protects your items against theft and unauthorised persons gaining access, it could mean that a friend or relative without authorisation won’t be able to access your medication or other belongings in the event of an emergency.

Are you looking to buy the right safe? Our quick guide should point you in the direction of what you need. At Victoria Furnitures, we stock a range of high security safes. For additional advice, reach out to us on email or call/WhatsApp and we’ll talk you through the process of choosing the right safe for your needs.


An organized working environment offers so much more than just a visual appeal. Clutter sends signals to the brain that there’s extra work to do. So, working from a messy desk or cluttered office will be enough to trigger a negative stress response. By organizing your office, you reduce the frequency of that stress. In addition, being organized will help you become more efficient. Searching for paper, files or brochures in a disorganized workspace just wastes time. So, let’s look at some storage solutions to help you create a more organized office.

  1. Filing Cabinets

Files are used for sorting and organizing paperwork, and filing cabinets are used to keep these files. Filing cabinets vary in size depending on what they can store. A4 or foolscaps are the standard file sizes. When considering a filing cabinet, you may want to think about if you want it to be a lateral filing cabinet, which will take up more floor space or a taller narrower vertical filing cabinet. Filing cabinets have lockable drawers and often available in either steel or woodgrain finishes to compliment desk ranges.

  1. Office pedestals

Pedestals are separate units from the desk, providing extra space for stationary items and documents. Usually, they have either 2 or 3 drawers with the shallower top drawers storing stationary items and the lower drawers for filing documents. Desk high pedestals are often fixed, freestanding units and mobile pedestals on castors fit neatly under the desk. 

  1. Bookcases

The bookcase is one of the most popular storage solutions due to its versatility. While many people only think of using a bookcase to store their books, they can also be used for many different items such as awards, magazines, knick-knacks and even company-related information or tools. Perhaps the main disadvantages of using bookcases is that everything that is stored on the shelf is visible, which in some cases could look unsightly.  A solution for this would be opting for a combination unit. These are usually made up of cupboards on the lower section and book shelves above.

  1. Tambour Cupboards

Tambour door or roller shutter cupboards are a clever and innovative way of making use of limited space. It saves space since there are no folding, hinged or sliding doors to get in the way.

A tambour door system in front of an entrance is ideal as it avoids conflicts between the front door and the cupboard door.

  1. Shelving Unit

These units consist of three basic components: posts, beams, and shelves. One of the best things about this type of shelving is that it can utilize unused air space. Another great benefit is how simple this style of shelving is to assemble and can be done in just minutes. Shelving units are a very versatile storage solution which can be used to store almost anything such as surplus boxes, apparatuses and other office supplies. 


With all the many benefits of a standing desk i.e. posture improvement, reduced back and neck issues as well as burning more calories, you could miss out on some of them if you don’t know how to properly use the table. Height adjustable tables are a relatively recent invention and there isn’t so much information out there giving people the proper directions of using them, and this has led to many mistakes that have compromised their use and effectiveness. So here are the mistakes to avoid and how to effectively use a standing desk.

  1. Wearing uncomfortable shoes

Heels and other types of formal footwear are known to induce pain in many parts of the body. We therefore suggest wearing comfortable shoes while using a standing table. Orthopedic shoes are the best type of supporting footwear. They also come in a variety of fashionable styles, so you will not have to choose between fashion and comfort.

  1. Standing on a Hard surface

Standing in a stationary portion for a long time on a hard surface can cause pain to your joints leading to discomfort and if you’re not comfortable, it is less likely you’ll stand again even if it is only for a short period of time therefore diminishing the effectiveness of an adjustable table. Make sure the floor underneath your feet is soft by acquiring a carpet, soft rug or an anti-fatigue mat. This will help lessen the amount of pressure and stiffness on your joints. 

  1. Wrong ergonomic position

The purpose of a height-adjustable table is to ensure the height is ideal for you. It is therefore very necessary to learn about the ergonomic position while using a standing table. How you stand determines your comfort level and affects your posture and output.

  1. Under utilizing the memory feature

Having an adjustable table with a memory setting is very useful. It allows you to move to the correct position without having to alter it manually once you have found the appropriate height for your desk. It can be very aggravating and time consuming to have to adjust the height of your standing desk every time you change positions. If you have this feature on your standing desk, take the time to set the height now to save yourself time and effort in the future.

  1. Not Switching positions

If you’re continually standing at your desk, you’re setting yourself up for future foot and joint problems. Switching between sitting and standing prevents you from becoming too comfortable in one posture and injuring your back or feet. We encourage changing positions every 20-30 minutes. In addition, it is also critical to have the right kind of support when you’re seated. An improper back support can lead to lower back pain, neck pain and other problems. These problems can be solved by getting an ergonomic chair.


So long as you can avoid these few common blunders, you will be able to get the most out of your standing desk. At Victoria Furnitures we have a variety of height adjustable tables from simple desk risers to the top-of-the-line electrical adjustable standing tables. Click the link to see more


If you’re looking for a new desk for your office there are so many factors to consider such as shape, size color, height adjustable and material. When it comes to materials your desk will be made from, there are usually only a few options, wood and glass. Of the two, there is no doubt glass is the classier option. But before you get carried away with the pleasing aesthetics that comes with having a glass desk, it is important to keep in mind it’s pitfalls. So before pulling the trigger on that shiny glass desk you need to consider all its pros and cons.

Why is a Glass Desk Ideal?

  1. Brightens up your space

The transparency of glass provides the illusion of a more open and lighter space, by introducing glass furniture; you can transform the smallest and darkest of rooms, making them appear well-lit and uncluttered.

  1. Easy to clean

Glass being a non-absorbent material makes it easy to clean compared to wooden desks which can absorb stains and spillages.

  1. It’s tough

Many people think that glass is fragile and could shatter easily but these are unfounded fears. Modern tempered glass is extremely tough because it goes through a manufacturing process by controlled thermal or chemical treatments, making it four times stronger than regular glass. Although tempered glass can break, and shatter, it does so in a safe way (relatively small and harmful pieces) compared to regular glass which breaks in to large, irregular shaped shards.

  1. Oozes style

Perhaps the biggest pro for having a glass desk is the fact that it’s very attractive and looks super modern. If you have guests having this sleek appearance shows you are a professional organization that are adaptable and keen to move with the times, and these days such qualities could be the difference between a business deal and no business deal.

What to consider when buying Glass Desks

  1. Cost

Glass desks can be more expensive than regular desk and there are two main reasons why that is. The first is the painstaking process of cutting, drilling and fitting with a tabletop. The second reason is that glass isn’t necessarily the cheapest material, and with that said we still think buying a glass desk is still a worthy investment

  1. Dust and fingerprints

Glass is very prone to fingerprints, smudges and dust which means that it must be cleaned regularly and perhaps a little higher maintenance than other desk top surfaces.

  1. Cable management

A glass desk is not ideal when it comes to cable managements because it allows you to have a clear view of the cables, so if you’re planning to set up your desk and are concerned about cable management then a glass desk is not the right choice.

  1. Heavy

This is not really a problem if you’re planning to stay put for a few years, but if you like to move around you may find moving your desk could be a two-person job. Additionally, there is the risk of breaking or chipping it when dropped, which could easily and really hurt your toe or hand if you are not wearing something protective. 


At the end of the day, glass is class and looks both modern and chic. It has longevity too that is unrivalled against regular wooden desks. There is no doubt that by buying a glass desk you will feel elevated and professional, you may even find your thinking even becomes clearer as a result!  Check out (https:(// for the biggest range of glass furniture (executive desks, conference tables, round meeting tables and even coffee tables) around, where you’re sure to find something to fit your requirements and your budget.


When you look around your office you may see some things that need replacing. Some things may stand out, like getting a fast new computer or a printer that doesn’t jam and some may go unnoticed like your office chair. The office chair is the most important component of office ergonomics and having the wrong chair can cause many problems that reduce your ability to work effectively and efficiently. Here are some things you need to look for to tell if you need to replace your chair.

  1. Damage to the chair or its parts

This is probably the most obvious reason you should replace your desk chair. Of course, some kind of damage will be more noticeable than others like some parts of the chair falling apart. There are some early signs of damage that you can look for e.g., loose or stuck wheels, knobs or levers such as those controlling the seat height or the backrest that do not allow you to make adjustments, then you need to consider getting a new chair.

  • Flattened seat cushion

Over time, the foam in your seat begins to compress and flatten. When the seat cushion compresses there is less support on your body weight, this exerts stress on your lower back, causing pain. Pain on your lower back can not only affect your productivity at the office but also your ability to do tasks in your daily life.

  • Improperly fitted chair

There is a possibility that your chair was never right for you. For instance, if you took over an existing office space that was already furnished. Some chairs may have armrests too far apart that can’t be adjusted inwards far enough to suit your body. Other chairs may have backrests designed for people who are taller or shorter than you. If you will be spending much time in your office chair then it may be worth replacing it with one that is best suited for your individual needs, your body will thank you for this.

  • Personal preference

Sometimes there isn’t any scientific reason to replace a chair. The reason could be as simple as how comfortable it is or it’s color which is just as good of a reason to replace your office chair as any of the reasons above. Choosing the right chair for you is important as you spend so much time sitting on it. You may not love your current chair and at the same time you may lack a reason to replace it. Listen to your body, it knows better.

Do I Need a New Chair?

Are you still wondering if you need a new office chair? If you have additional questions, we are here to help. We also have a wide array of chairs to choose from, ranging from quality budget friendly task chairs to top of the line orthopaedic chairs, all in various colors and designs. We’ll give you free expert advice that will help you find the chair that best suits your needs.